bla bla bla
this post is very bla bla-ish! (i just made a new word!) tomorrow is my birthday. but it feels like loads of people will forget it.. im not important enough you see.. but any hoo -loving that saying i stole from serena's blog- i have to be postive. so.. i read THE WORD FOR YOU TODAY and yesterday's was really good.
true joy!
"...the joy of the lord is your stength."
true joy only comes to those who have devoted themselves to something bigger then their own happiness and personal interests. nehemiah told the isralites, "don't feel bad. the joy if the lord is your strength." true joy always involves three things: a) a conscious decision to focus every day on God's goodness b) reaching out to other people every chance you get c) understanding that joy produces strength, which explains why your joy is s high on the devil's hit list. if you lose your joy you lose your strength, and that's not good!
there are basically three kinds of people:
- the joy-guilty: who believe we are not supposed to be happy and have fun because life is to be handles seriously. these people feel guilty about feeling good
- the joy-angry: who've been hurt by life and whose anger simmers jusr beneath the surface. if you let them, they'll turn your sunshine into rain 'coz your joy really bothers them
- the joy-factory: producing joy everywhere they go. when you are around them, they breathe life into you.
humpf! now im bored!..kinky boots..