My Free Therapy

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Monday 16th January 20:08

Monday 16th January 20:08

I've got this thing called hello and Hat added me onto it. I also have MSN Messenger. Hello can be used just like MSN Messenger but you can send and receive pictures easier...supposedly (we haven’t done it) and when you type things like, ‘love’ or ‘heart’ a love heart floats down the screen. You can also do emoticons like ‘; )’ ‘:o)’ ‘: (‘ and such like and they all float down to the bottom of the screen, hat and I have had lots of fun and laughs making millions of stuff fall to the bottom.

Anyway, back to the reason of this post. As you may or may not have read from my last post, I am doing SPAM for a week. So I have chosen not to use the internet unless needed for school purposes. I turned on my computer today and played on Sims 2 for a while. When I log on to the computer it automatically starts signing me into MSN, so I stopped it logging me on before I went on Sims. So as I had stopped signing in, I went on the game. I had made a family previously so all I had to do was furnish their house and get playing. So I did. All the while, it turned out I was signed on to hello too. This was not something I knew of or had intended on doing/being. But I only found this out when I got bored of playing with the Cummings’ family so I quit the game. As the program terminated, I saw the little sign at the side of my screen which comes up when some one is talking to you. So I though, “A’ crap!!”

The message was from hat, it had to be as she is my only contact on it at the moment, and it read this, ‘I thought you weren’t going on any internet type things’… well it said that basic message, I can’t remember the exact words she used.

From reading this I thought hat was worried that I had lost my will power and had already given up on spam not even after the first whole day.
So hat, if that was what you were thinking, please don’t be disappointed in me as I wasn’t on the internet, well my computer, was but I wasn’t. : ]

Love always Bambi xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

Ps. All this week if I do get any inspiration or get a feeling that there is something I need to post I will write it on word and post it...them… either Monday or any day next week. Sorry if you don’t read this post till late in the week and you think I'm ignoring you and your blog’s as I'm not commenting. In a way I am ignoring them but that’s because I'm ignoring the internet. But as soon as I can I will check out all your blog’s and comment!

(19/01/06) I kind of failed last night, sorry.


At Thu Jan 19, 09:39:00 pm, Blogger MissHarwood said...

I wasn't dissapointed. I was just wondering. Nah, I thought you were gonna keep to it cuz I know you're strong. Don't worry hun


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